Pilatus PC-12 Centre Southern Africa (PCSA) is one of over 50 carefully selected Authorised Pilatus Sales & Service Centres located worldwide, and the only such Centre in Africa.
Officially opened in 2007, Pilatus PC-12 Centre has celebrated a decade of providing unmatched servicing and sales support to the Pilatus brand from our base at hangars 41 and 42 at Rand Airport, Germiston, South Africa. Our company focus is to provide an all-round holistic sales and maintenance support experience for our clients, which is possible with a team of dedicated, highly qualified and competent staff members.
Well over 100 Pilatus PC-12 & PC-6 aircraft have been sold into the Southern African region and beyond, demonstrating Pilatus aircraft’s versatility and adeptness for Africa, and reinforcing our commitment, at PCSA, to supporting these aircraft and our clients every step of the way.
Nobody knows Pilatus aircraft like Pilatus PC-12 Centre Southern Africa and at the same time the company strives to know its customers just as well.